Johanson Group, LLP

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HIPAA Compliance Made Simple: Your HIPAA Security Rule Checklist

Are you prepared for a HIPAA compliance audit? If not, you’re in the right place. 

In this article we'll assist your organization in following the HIPAA Security Rule for your HIPAA compliance audit. This will ensure the safety of your ePHI and provide peace of mind to your patients, clients, employees, and stakeholders.

First, let's focus on protecting personal information, which is crucial and influenced by various factors.

Defining ePHI: Securing Electronic Health Information and Enhancing Patient Care

Unlike its non-digitized counterpart, ePHI exists electronically, including data created, stored, transmitted, or received digitally. 

To protect against cyberattacks, organizations need strong security, while digital healthcare data enhances access and decision-making.

Why Protect ePHI: A Vital Patient-Centric Approach

Cybercriminals continually refine their tactics to exploit vulnerabilities, posing a significant risk to patient data security. Balancing ePHI security and efficient data sharing for patient care decisions is a difficult challenge.

Beyond the immediate imperative of regulatory compliance, protecting ePHI is a fundamental commitment to your patients and clients. By ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of ePHI, healthcare organizations actively safeguard patient trust and sensitive information. 

Not protecting ePHI can lead to legal trouble, harm patient privacy, damage trust, and affect the quality of care.

ePHI includes digitally stored data points that identify individuals, including but not limited to:

  • Name

  • Phone number

  • Social Security number (SSN)

  • Email address

  • Date of birth

  • Medical records

  • Financial information

  • Address

  • Photos

A Real-World Lesson: Florida Health Plan's Alarming Data Breach

Florida Healthy Kids Corporation (FHKC), a large health plan, experienced a significant data breach. This breach affected 3.5 million individuals and found its place in the HIPAA Journal's list of the largest healthcare data breaches in 2021. The breach traced back to a hacking event that exposed sensitive health information like names, birth dates, diagnoses, and treatments. 

This breach shows the importance of strong safeguards and strategies to protect health information and follow the HIPAA Security Rule. 

Now that we understand the importance of safeguarding ePHI, let's explore how the HIPAA Security Rule actively ensures its protection.

Understanding How HIPAA Security Rule Safeguards ePHI

To follow HIPAA Security Rule, organizations must create a complete set of safeguards, both administrative and technical. These safeguards collectively form a robust shield that safeguards the integrity, confidentiality, and security of electronic protected health information (ePHI). By implementing these safeguards, organizations can demonstrate their unwavering commitment to upholding patient privacy, data security, and regulatory compliance.

READ MORE: An Overview of a HIPAA Attestation of Compliance

HIPAA Security Rule mandates strong safeguards and security measures for healthcare providers, insurers, and their partners to combat cyber threats. 

We categorize these safeguards into three distinct pillars:

1. Administrative Safeguards:

Administrative safeguards include appointing a security officer, controlling access based on roles, and regularly monitoring ePHI usage to ensure rule compliance and data protection.

2. Physical safeguards

Physical safeguards involve creating secure buildings, using access controls to stop unauthorized entry, and protecting the physical infrastructure that holds ePHI. These safeguards ensure the tangible security of electronic health information, contributing to a comprehensive defense against breaches and unauthorized access.

3. Technical Safeguards:

Technical safeguards include controlling ePHI access, recording ePHI activities, using anomaly detection for monitoring, and requiring encrypted ePHI sharing.

READ MORE: HIPAA vs. HITRUST: What’s the difference?

Your HIPAA Security Rule Checklist: A Path to Compliance

Ready for HIPAA Compliance?

Protecting electronic health information in line with HIPAA is a collaborative effort. This effort focuses on patient privacy and the preservation of healthcare data integrity. Your dedication to adhering to this comprehensive checklist signifies a proactive stance toward bolstering data security. It's important to bear in mind that the duty to safeguard patient information is a shared commitment.

We understand the importance of this effort and thank you for your strong dedication to keeping healthcare data private and secure. Your proactive engagement contributes to a safer and more secure healthcare environment for all.

Get expert help from the Johanson Group for HIPAA compliance, risk management, and data protection. Together, we'll ensure the highest standards of security for your organization and the patients you serve. 

Contact us today to embark on this journey towards a more secure healthcare environment.

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