ISO Asset Management and Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Assets in the Digital Age

Businesses increasingly rely on digital assets to run their operations in today's digital world. As these assets' value grows, so does the risk of cyber threats. 

Organizations must implement robust asset management practices to protect their digital assets from cyber-attacks.

This article will explore how ISO Asset Management, specifically ISO 27001, can help organizations protect their digital assets from cyber threats.

Understanding Cybersecurity Asset Management (CSAM) for Industrial Control Systems

Cybersecurity asset management, or CSAM, is an essential practice that helps organizations safeguard their assets against cyber threats. While asset management can include people and processes within an organization, its primary focus is identifying, managing, and securing computerized systems, including hardware and software.

Asset management begins with identifying all the computerized systems in an industrial control environment and proactively managing additions, removals, and changes to those devices. 

There are several types of Operational Technology (OT) devices: 

  • Engineering Workstations (EWS)

  • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)

  • Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI)

  • Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)

  • Remote Terminal Units (RTUs)

Organizations must identify which OT devices need protection to implement a robust cybersecurity program.

It's common for organizations to maintain some form of automated asset inventory management for their Information Technology (IT) systems. Still, many don't deploy them in their OT environments due to the intrusive nature of IT tools. However, highly specialized passive OT monitoring technologies are available that can minimize attack vectors by performing asset discovery, vulnerability management, and much more.

Types of Cyber Threats and Their Risks in Asset Management

With the proliferation of digital technology, the risk of cybercrime has become more widespread. 

The consequences of cyber threats can be severe, especially when proper cybersecurity asset management is not in place. Companies must be proactive in their approach to cybersecurity to prevent significant harm to their assets.

Common types of cyber threats:

  • Data breaches

Data breaches are serious cybersecurity threats that severely affect a company's assets. 

They occur when an unauthorized person gains access to sensitive data, such as customer information, financial data, or intellectual property. 

Data breaches can result in a loss of trust among customers and stakeholders, leading to a loss of revenue for the company.

  • Malware

Malware, short for "malicious software," is a type of cyber threat that can cause significant damage to an organization's assets if not correctly managed. 

Malware is designed to infiltrate a computer system or network, carry out malicious activities, steal sensitive information, damage software, hardware, or data, and render entire systems unusable.

Types of malware include viruses, Trojan horses, worms, and spyware.

  • Phishing attacks

Phishing attacks are social engineering attacks that deceive individuals into divulging sensitive information.

The attackers often use fake emails, text messages, or social media messages that appear legitimate and from trustworthy sources, such as banks, government agencies, or popular online services. The messages often contain urgent or enticing requests, such as asking the recipient to verify their account information or offering a fake prize or gift.

Phishing attacks are particularly effective because they exploit human weaknesses like trust, curiosity, and urgency. They can also be challenging to detect, as the messages and websites used in the attacks often look legitimate and convincing. As a result, individuals may unwittingly disclose sensitive information or download malicious software, such as keyloggers or spyware, onto their devices.

Organizations can protect their employees and assets from phishing attacks by implementing security policies and providing regular training on cybersecurity awareness and best practices like: 

  • Email filters to block suspicious messages

  • Enforcing password policies

  • Conduct simulated phishing exercises to educate employees on recognizing and avoiding phishing attempts. 

By being vigilant and proactive, organizations and individuals can prevent the potentially devastating consequences of phishing attacks.

  • Ransomware

Ransomware is malware that encrypts a company's data and demands a ransom payment in exchange for the decryption key. 

Once a system is infected, the attackers can lock down the entire system, making it inaccessible to the company until the ransom is paid.

If a company's data is not backed up or the backups are also infected, the company may have no choice but to pay the ransom to regain access to its data leading to significant financial losses and damage to its reputation.

  • DoS (Denial-of-Service) attacks

DoS attacks overload a company's network or system, making it unavailable to users. The attacker does this by flooding the network or system with overwhelming traffic, slowing it down, or crashing it.

Organizations must prioritize cybersecurity in their asset management policies to safeguard their assets from potential harm caused by cyber threats by implementing regular security audits, employee training, and the latest security technologies. Failure to do so can result in reputational damage, loss of revenue, and legal consequences.

 An effective and trusted asset management standard to adopt is ISO 27001.

Hack-Proof Your Business: The Benefits of ISO 27001 Compliance for Asset Management 

ISO 27001 is an international standard for information security management. It provides a comprehensive framework for managing and protecting digital assets, including sensitive information, financial data, and intellectual property. 

The standard covers asset management, risk management, and information security controls, helping organizations identify and implement controls to manage those risks effectively.

The benefits of ISO 27001 standards are as follows: 

  • Systematic and proactive 

This approach helps organizations identify potential risks and implement controls to mitigate them before they can cause any harm. By taking this approach, companies can avoid costly security incidents and the reputational damage that comes with them.

  • Flexible and adaptable

Companies can customize the standard to fit their specific requirements, effectively addressing their unique security concerns and protecting their digital assets.

  • Regulatory requirement compliance

Implementing ISO 27001 can help organizations comply with various regulatory requirements related to information security management. 

Compliance with these regulations is becoming increasingly important, with many jurisdictions imposing significant fines and penalties for non-compliance.

How to Implement ISO 27001 for Asset Management and Cybersecurity

Implementing ISO 27001 asset management standards can seem daunting, but it can be a straightforward and effective process with the right approach and resources.

Implementing ISO 27001 will require you to take these steps:

  • Conduct a risk assessment

Identify the potential risks and vulnerabilities to your organization's assets and determine the likelihood and impact of those risks. This step helps establish a risk management baseline and prioritizes areas that require attention.

  • Develop an asset management policy

Once risks are identified, the next step is to develop an asset management policy that outlines the approach to managing and protecting assets. This policy should align with the organization's overall goals and objectives and provide clear guidance on handling different types of assets, such as data, hardware, software, and intellectual property.

  • Implement security controls

After developing the asset management policy, the next step is implementing security controls to manage the identified risks effectively.

 These controls can range from physical security measures to technical controls, such as firewalls, antivirus software, and encryption. The controls should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure they remain effective against new and emerging threats.

  • Train employees on cybersecurity best practices

Employees play a critical role in protecting an organization's assets. 

It's essential to provide regular training on cybersecurity best practices, including identifying and responding to cyber threats, password management, and data handling policies. 

This training should be mandatory for all employees, including frequent refresher courses.

  • Asset Inventory

Maintaining an accurate inventory of digital assets is also a best practice for effective asset management and cybersecurity, like creating a list of hardware and software assets and identifying sensitive data and its location. 

Review your asset inventory on the regular and update necessary to remain accurate.

  • Backup and Recovery Plans

Finally, organizations should have backup and recovery plans in case of a cyber-attack or other disaster, like regularly backing up critical data, storing backups offsite, and developing and testing recovery plans. Organizations should also periodically review and update their backup and recovery plans to ensure that they remain effective.

Implementing ISO 27001 Asset Management Standards for Different Industries


Implementing ISO 27001 asset management standards in the healthcare industry is particularly important due to the sensitive nature of patient data. 

Hospitals and clinics must protect patient records from unauthorized access or disclosure by implementing stringent access controls, regular security audits, and providing regular training to employees on data handling policies.

Financial Services

Implementing ISO 27001 asset management standards in the financial services industry is crucial for protecting customer data and financial assets.

 Financial institutions must implement robust security controls, such as two-factor authentication, encryption, and intrusion detection systems. Regular security audits and training for employees are also essential.


Implementing ISO 27001 asset management standards in the manufacturing industry is critical for protecting intellectual property and proprietary information. 

Manufacturing companies must ensure that access to sensitive information is limited to authorized personnel only.


SaaS organizations benefit from ISO 27001 asset management standards because they handle large amounts of customer data.

By adopting ISO 27001, SaaS companies can gain customer trust and increase loyalty by demonstrating their commitment to cybersecurity. To implement these standards, SaaS companies must identify their digital assets, assess associated risks, and implement information security controls like firewalls and data encryption.

Regular system monitoring, security audits, and employee cybersecurity training are essential.

The Importance of Partnering with Risk Assessment Professionals for ISO 27001 Compliance

Implementing ISO 27001 asset management standards and following best practices is crucial for influential cybersecurity and risk management. They help organizations identify and manage risks effectively, protect digital assets, and maintain customer trust.

However, this process can be complex, time-consuming, and resource-intensive, particularly for organizations with limited experience or expertise in cybersecurity.

It's essential to consider hiring a professional risk assessment team with expertise in ISO 27001 compliance and assessment to ensure compliance with ISO 27001 and streamline the implementation process.

ISO 27001 Risk Assessment Professionals will:

  • Identify gaps in your organization's security controls.

  • Develop a comprehensive strategy for managing and mitigating risks.

  • Provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure that organizations remain compliant with the standard and continue to protect their digital assets effectively.  

  • Develop backup and recovery plans in case of a cyber attack and provide regular security audits to identify and address any weaknesses in their security controls.

While it's possible for organizations to implement ISO 27001 and follow best practices independently, hiring a professional risk assessment team can provide valuable expertise and guidance throughout the process, ultimately leading to a more effective and robust security posture.

Securing Your Digital Assets: The Importance of ISO 27001 Compliance

In conclusion, implementing ISO 27001 asset management standards and following best practices for cybersecurity is crucial for protecting an organization's digital assets and maintaining customer trust.

However, organizations with limited experience or expertise in cybersecurity should consider hiring a professional risk assessment team specializing in ISO 27001, like Johanson Group, to ensure a comprehensive strategy for managing and mitigating risks.


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